Difference Between Java and JavaScript

19 October 2020 Posted by Payal Jha 8 Min Read

Key Difference Between Java and JavaScript

Java is a high-level programming language developed by Sun Microsystems and released in the year 1995. Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and several versions of UNIX. It works with the Object-Oriented method because everything is an object in java. Java has a runtime environment (JRE) and API which defines that java also a platform. This is a Platform Independent language, unlike another language C and C++, Java doesn't need compiling into a specific machine, rather than into independent byte code. Byte code is distributed over the web and interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on whichever platform it is being run on.

JavaScript (JS) is an utterly dynamic programming language that can use to add interactivity to a website. JavaScript code runs on a browser only and it is specifically an object-oriented scripting language. JavaScript (JS) language syntax is pretty similar to the C programming language but naming conventions are similar to Java Programming Language. It is a scripting Language with a plain text code. JavaScript also has an extensive list of online sources, documentation, and online forums, we can see its execution in the browser immediately. If we want to make web applications we can learn JavaScript.

What is Java?

Java is a high-level programming language developed in the year of 1995 by Sun Microsystems, It is a platform because Java has a runtime environment (JRE) and API therefore, it's called a platform. Java is supported by most of the Operating Systems as almost every operating system supports i.e. known as Platform Independent Language. It's run on any machine with Java Virtual Machine. Java is executed in JVM or the browser. It's a syntax similar to C++ and required Java Development Kit(JDK).

It is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) and developed by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems later occupied by Oracle. Java is mainly used for Back-end. It works on class-based objects. Java is a platform Independent Language which is executed by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that needs to comply with "byte-code" and has the file extension "Java".

For Example, Let's understand with a simple java program as below:

class Welcome
     public static void main(String args[])
          System.out.println("Welocme to Java");

The Output of Above HTML Code

Output of Java Code

Description of Java Program:

Class Welcome:
This line of code declares a class name Welcome.

Public Static void main(String args[]): This is the starting of a program.

  • Public means anyone can access it.
  • Static means that a user can run this method without creating an instance of main.
  • Void means this method doesn't return any value.
  • Main is the name of the method.


  • System is a pre-define Class.
  • out is a static variable which is represents the output of program (stdout).
  • println used to display a text on the next line at the console.

Why Study Java?

  • Object-Oriented.
  • Platform Independent.
  • Java hava a runtime environment.
  • It's a universal Programming Language.
  • Works on every platform like Windows, IOS.
  • It have a good GUI (Graphical User Interface) System.
  • Easy to run language.
  • It's a dynamic , distributed and multithreaded language.
  • 97% of Enterprise Desktops Run Java.

Use of Java

  • Java is a platform Independent language and it doesn't need a specific platform for executing a program like C & C++ rather than into independent byte code. Byte code is distributed over the web and interpreted by the Virtual Machine (JVM) on whichever platform it is being run on.
  • It is used to achieve abstraction.
  • In Java by an interface, we can support the functionality of multiple inheritances.
  • It uses for Mobile application development.
  • It's worked into web servers and Application servers.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript (JS) specifically an object-oriented scripting language and utterly dynamic programming language that can use to add interactivity to a website. A scripting language is a lightweight programming language, it's consists of lines of executable computer code. JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML Pages, it supports server-side scripting also, separately known as Livewire.

  • JavaScript was developed by Netscape Corporation known as "Live Script".
  • First support in Netscape Navigator 2.0
  • It's also known as a scripting tool.
  • JavaScript is a freely typed language.
  • JavaScript is used to create interactive content.
  • It was originally developed in the mid-1990s, it will called ActionScript.
  • The terms for development of JS is Client-side development.

Why use JavaScript?

JavaScript is a text-based programming language mainly used for the Client-side platform. JavaScript (JS) specifically an object-oriented scripting language and utterly dynamic programming language that can use to add interactivity into a website.

Features of JavaScript?

  • JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool.
  • JavaScript use for improving the design into web pages.
  • JavaScript enhanced web pages with dynamic and interactive features, it's run in client software.
  • JavaScript language syntax is pretty similar to the C programming language but naming conventions are similar to Java Programming Language.
  • It have in-built functions.
  • JavaScript is a Object-Based Scripting Language.
  • JavaScript provides validation of User's Input.
  • Mainly used for Client edge Technology.

Comparison Between Java and JavaScript

Java vs JavaScript

Object-Oriented Programming Language. Client-side Scripting Language.
A Platform Independent Language which is executed by JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It's works on the prototype-based.
It's works on the class-based object. JavaScript programming requires a text editor.
Java required JDK (Java Development Kit) for programming. It's written in Plain Text.
Java is a "Secure of codes" as the primary motive that can be achieved through JVM. It is less Secured and developer have to make efforts to secure it's coding.
Mainly used for back-end. Mainly used for front-end.
Compiled & Interpreted both. Interpreted.



About author

Arun Kumar(Entrepreneur, Blogger, Thinker & SEO Expert)

Arun Kumar (Solopreneur, Blogger, Thinker & SEO Expert)

Hello, I'm Arun, Currently holding position as Head of Digital Marketing having 8+ years of experience. I specialize in lead generation through Facebook and Google Ads, as well as excelling in SEO, SMO, SEM, and SMM to craft captivating online presences. I'm driven by a strong sense of ownership, motivation, and an insatiable curiosity for learning. I orchestrate strategic promotions, measure KPIs, and craft compelling marketing campaigns. My email marketing strategies are designed to elevate brand visibility and product awareness. I'm also a dedicated mentor, guiding team leaders and executives to success. Let's connect and explore how I can add value to your digital marketing efforts.